7 Tips to Ensure You Get a Peaceful Sleep Post Wisdom Tooth Removal

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Dentists carry out the wisdom tooth extraction procedure as smoothly as possible. The patient does not experience discomfort due to the use of sedation.The use of anesthesia during extraction can make you feel sleepy and tired after a few hours. Post-surgery, most individuals feel temporary tenderness, soreness, and numbness.

Are you worried about the impact of wisdom teeth extraction on your sleep? No worries, if you follow the right steps, you should be able to enjoy a peaceful sleep.

1. Pain medication remains crucial for a good sleep

Even slight pain can hinder efforts to fall asleep. So, oral surgeons prescribe painkillers to ensure a good night’s sleep. Skipping the over-the-counter medication is not a good idea because it’s an integral part of a pain management plan.

Many individuals end up taking more medication than recommended as the pain does not relieve. That’s not the best way to deal with the problem. Hold a pack of ice against the affected area while sleeping. Contact your dental office in case pain becomes unbearable.

2. Sleeping under supervision

During the first 24 hours, you should sleep in such a way that your head remains elevated than your heart. It’s best not to lie flat as it may trigger swelling. Remember, healing may slow down if you sleep on the operated side due to pressure on the extraction site. Complicated extraction can result in additional pain and bleeding. Dentists place a cotton gauze at the site to absorb blood. It is advisable to ensure the piece of cotton remains in place while you rest. You can reduce the risk of choking by requesting someone wake you up after every hour to ensure the gauze remains in place.

Is placing gauze necessary after wisdom teeth removal? Medications might result in drowsiness, and it’s a bad idea to lie down with gauze in the mouth in such a state.

Thus, dentists recommend patients keep the gauze in the mouth only if it’s too necessary to do so.

3. Totally avoid sleeping on slippery surfaces

Sleeping on a leather couch while streaming something on the phone or watching TV is a common practice. However, napping on a slippery surface is not a good idea as your body can fall downwards, and you might end up hurting yourself. It is best to sleep on your regular bed with your head elevated.

4. Create an apt environment for sleeping

An ideal sleeping room should be dark and cool with a temperature between 72* F-76*F.

5. Staying hydrated and fed

Staying hydrated and well-fed is essential for smooth and early recovery. No doubt, chewing normally may not be possible during the first 48 hours. The wounds will prevent you from doing so. No worries, there are a lot of yummy options to enjoy during this timeframe. Eat Yogurt, blended soups, mashed potatoes, mashed bananas, smoothies, and other soft foods during the first 24 hours.

Drink plenty of water. Keeping the operated site clean is essential for preventing infection. So, rinse your mouth with warm saltwater.

6. Say NO to alcohol and tobacco

What’s the harm in whiskey, you might wonder; after all, it helps in bearing other pains in life, doesn’t it? Well, the answer to this question will undoubtedly break every whiskey lover’s heart. Both tobacco and alcohol can negatively impact your body’s healing capacity. Thus, dentists urge patients to avoid both until the wound fully heals.

7. Dislodging the blood clot can impact your sleep

Post wisdom tooth removal, blood clots start forming in the extraction site hole. Improper formation or dislodging of the blood clot can delay the healing process and cause a dry socket. The medical condition is one of the most reported issues post-surgery.

You certainly don’t want this to happen. Here are some tips that can ensure you won’t face complications:
● Don’t brush around the operated site for 24 hours to ensure your toothbrush does not dislodge the blood clot.
● Use two or even more pillows to keep your head elevated while sleeping.
● Altogether avoid staying up late during the first 48 hours after wisdom tooth removal. Give your body sufficient rest needed for wound healing.
● Suction resulting from using a straw can impact the blood clot formation in the operated spot. So, don’t use the same for at least a week.

The endnote:

We at TruCare Dentistry in Roswell know what it takes for successful wisdom tooth extraction and early recovery. If you are in Roswell (GA) and wish to opt for the safest extraction options, please schedule an appointment with us. We are one of the most reputable dental clinics in Roswell, GA. From Alpharetta, Dunwoody, and Marietta to Milton, Sandy Springs, and Woodstock, we receive patients from a wide range of areas.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions related to the gum line cavity. Have a look:

Can gum line cavities be fixed?

Yes, gum line cavities can be fixed. However, the treatment for a gum line cavity depends on the area where the cavity is located. If it is located above the gum line and is not too extensive, it can be treated with a filling. On the other hand, if a cavity is located down into or below the gum line, and needs more extensive care, a root canal treatment may be required to get rid of the decay and prevent the cavity from spreading to other areas.

How long can cavities go untreated?

It is advisable to seek treatment immediately as soon as you notice cavities. The longer you keep a cavity without treatment, the worse it will become day by day. Within a period of 3 to 6 months, cavities can reach the nerve of your tooth. The speed at which a cavity can worsen completely depends on your oral care habits and what you eat. Eating sugary foods with poor oral care can worsen your cavity significantly faster. Therefore, it is advisable to get a cavity treated as quickly as possible to avoid the
condition from getting worse.

Can you brush away a cavity?

If you detect a cavity in the beginning stage, it can be reversed by following good oral hygiene which includes daily brushing and flossing as well as frequent exposure to fluoride. However, once a cavity is fully formed, it is nearly impossible to get rid of it with brushing.

How long do gum line fillings last?

It usually depends on the type of filling you have and the type of material used in fillings. Usually, fillings can last up to 10 years. Since fillings don’t last a lifetime, regular dental checkups can help you determine the right time to replace your filling.

When is it too late for a filling?

Small cavities or cavities in the initial stage are generally treatable with fillings. However, large or too deep cavities may require more rigorous treatment. Once bacteria enter your tooth, it may become too late for a filling.

Being mindful about the health of your teeth can prevent many teeth and gum line problems from arising in the first place. You can take preventive care at home and visit a general dentistry clinic to clean your teeth and checkup once every three months.