All About Tonsil Stones And How To Prevent Them

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Tonsil Stones And How To Prevent Them

Tonsil stones are hard, white, or yellow-colored formations located on or within tonsils.

It is not easy for people to realize whether they have tonsils or not. They are not visible easily and can have a size of a rice grain or a grape. They do not generally cause considerable health complications. But sometimes, they grow even more extensive, which swells up the tonsils and may even have an unpleasant smell.

Reasons for tonsil stones

Crevices, tunnels, and pits, also known as tonsil crypts, make up your tonsils. Debris of dead cells, mucus, saliva, and food can get in there and get stuck. They build up over there, which is later fed on by bacteria and fungi, which further causes a bad smell.

This debris gets hard with time and turns into stone. Some people may have to deal with just one stone, whereas some might have many smaller stones.

Reasons for tonsil stones could be:

  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Large tonsils
  • Chronic sinus issues
  • Chronic tonsillitis or inflamed tonsils

How to identify tonsil stones?

Even though tonsil stones are difficult to see, they still end up causing symptoms that can help you identify them. Symptoms include:

  • Bad breath
  • Sore throat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Ear pain
  • Ongoing cough
  • Swollen tonsils
  • White or yellow color formation on tonsils

Smaller tonsil stone, which is very common, might not show any symptom.

Prevention of tonsil stones

Having tonsil stones once might mean you will have to deal with it again in the future. But specific preventive measures can be taken. These steps are:

Following good oral hygiene. Make sure that you clear the back of your tongue when brushing

  • Stop smoking
  • Saltwater gargling
  • Drink a lot of water and stay hydrated
  • Getting a proper check from dental care services
  • Removal of tonsil stone

Tonsil stones are generally harmless. But people still prefer to get it removed because it might cause them discomfort and make them smell bad—treatments for tonsil stones range from home remedies to medical procedures.

Gargling: Gargling with salt water can help deal with the discomfort caused by the stone and May even help remove it. Saltwater changes the chemistry of your mouth. It can also help in getting rid of the odor caused by the stone.

Cough: You might discover that you have a tonsil stone when you cough. Coughing with some energy may help in loosening the stone.

Manual removal: Using a toothbrush to remove the tonsil stone is not recommended. Tonsils are delicate, so it is essential to be soft on that part. Removing it manually can be risky and cause complications, which may include infection or bleeding. If you still want to try, then use a water pick or cotton swab. However, small surgery may be required if the stone is too large.

Laser tonsil cryptolysis: In this procedure, a laser is used to remove the crypts where the stone has been lodged. Local anesthesia is given to perform this procedure. The recovery time for this procedure is minimal.

Coblation cryptolysis: In this procedure, heat is not involved. A radio wave is used to transform salt solution into charged ions, which cuts through the tissue. This procedure also reduces tonsil crypts but does not cause any burning sensation.

Tonsillectomy: It is the surgical removal of tonsils. This procedure can be done using a scalpel, laser, or Coblation device.

Surgery for tonsil stones is often controversial. Dental care services suggest the surgery only when the case is severe, chronic, and other methods have failed.

Antibiotics: Tonsil stone can also be managed by using antibiotics. These tablets lower the count of bacteria, which helps in the growth and development of tonsil stones.

The only issue with antibiotics is that they will not deal with the stone’s underlying problem and may even have side effects of their own. They cannot be used for a more extended period, which means that the stone will return as soon as you stop taking the tablets.

Complications associated with tonsil stones

The complications related to tonsil stones are rare but possible. One of the main issues that it can cause is the deep infection of tonsils, known as an abscess.

Large stones damage the tissue, which results in swelling, inflammation, and infection.

Is tonsil stone contagious?

They are made of a material called biofilm. Hence, they are not contagious. Biofilm is a combination of bacteria and fungi present in your mouth interacting with the mouth’s chemistry. The mixture thus formed attaches itself to a moist and wet surface.

When it comes to tonsil stones, this mixture hardens. Another example of a biofilm is plaque. They are also responsible for cavities and gum diseases.

Wrapping up

Tonsil stones create rare complications and bring a range of symptoms. If you have recurring tonsil stones, be sure to practice good oral hygiene and regularly visit a dental care services provider. If you are also suffering from tonsil stone, Book an appointment with TruCare Dentistry.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here are some of the FAQs Related to Tonsil Stone, have a look:

Are there any complications associated with tonsil stones?

The complications related to tonsil stones are rare but possible. One of the main issues that it can cause is the deep infection of tonsils, known as an abscess.
Large stones damage the tissue, which results in swelling, inflammation, and infection.

Is tonsil stone contagious?

They are made of a material called biofilm. Hence, they are not contagious. Biofilm is a combination of bacteria and fungi present in your mouth interacting with the mouth’s chemistry. The mixture thus formed attaches itself to a moist and wet surface.

When it comes to tonsil stones, this mixture hardens. Another example of a biofilm is plaque. They are also responsible for cavities and gum diseases.

Do tonsil stones go away?

Tonsil stones are risk-free buildup that will go away on their own. However, the duration of tonsil stones can vary from person to person. They may go away or melt on their own in a short period, or they can also stay for weeks if they are deep in the throat and bacteria continue to grow on them. Besides, if proper oral hygiene is not performed, it may last for years and lead to a more serious problem, such as tonsillitis.

Can tonsil stones make you sick?

If tonsil stones are large in size, they can lead to swallowing and may also trigger infections. These stones can sometimes cause a number of side effects like sore throat, swelling, cough, ear pain, and irritation (a sensation of a foreign substance in the throat), etc.

Does everyone get tonsil stones?

Tonsil stones are common. Several people get them without even knowing that they have them. They are tiny lumps of hard material that form in the tonsils. Tonsil stones are generally not harmful or painful.

When should one go and see a doctor for tonsil stones?

If a person experiences severe symptoms like ear pain, redness in tonsils, or swelling, it is recommended to see a doctor. These can be the sign of tonsillitis or any other serious issue. Also, if tonsil stones are very large, it needs immediate medical attention. Besides, if tonsil stones are recurrent, then also one must see a doctor.

How do you clean your tonsils out?

There are few at-home methods available to get rid of tonsil stones. These methods include gargling using salt water, coughing, and manual removal of stones using a finger or a toothbrush. However, manual removal of tonsil stones is not recommended as this practice can harm your delicate tonsils and may cause serious infections.