Do you feel something sharp stuck in the dental extraction site? Has your oral health expert recommended non-invasive surgery for bone spurs removal? No worries, this article will answer all your concerns about bone spicules.
Dental bone spicule
Often referred to as dental bone spurs or bone spicules, these elements are minor pieces of bone. The body gets rid of such bone fragments post tooth extraction, dental implant surgery, or oral biopsy. But it’s crucial to note that trauma to the mouth, disease, or infections can also lead to bone spurs.
the patient might feel as if a tiny, sharp flake is stuck in the gums. These fragments of bone, primarily white, are pretty noticeable in the mouth. They stick out through soft tissues on the operated site. You may experience roughness or redness on your gums, pain and discomfort, pus, or inflammation. Other accompanying symptoms are fever and headache. The condition affects both adults and children.
What’s the best option to treat dental bone spurs?
There is nothing to worry about bone spurs. In most cases, they develop a week after the oral surgery. Your body may get rid of them automatically after a month. The natural process is slow, but it resolves the issue without intervention from your dentist. Yet, if they are bothersome or cause too much pain, you can always approach your dentist.
How do dental experts treat this condition?
Dentists have years of experience in examining such bone fragments. They can easily differentiate between what’s normal and troublesome. Dental offices rarely come across cases involving large bone spurs. Most pieces are tiny. Your oral health expert may recommend an X-ray in case something seems unusual.
After a detailed check-up, dentists prescribe a pain-relieving oral gel or over-the-counter pain relievers. Then, if necessary, professionals use various tools to extract bone pieces. Unless, of course, the part is too small for devices to pull out.
Do you feel worried about any discomfort during extraction? No worries, you can ask your dentist to use a local anesthetic.
Is it safe to remove these bone fragments on your own?
If the patient uses dentures, dentists might have to remove them and reinstall post-examining and removing bone chips. So, it’s undoubtedly not a DIY procedure.
Patients often end up with damaged soft tissues surrounding the bone spicule while removing them. Therefore, DIY extraction is not a good idea. Doing so can escalate the risk of developing an infection. Plus, you might end up at the hospital anyway due to increased pain and blood.
Bone spicule, dislodged tissue, and tooth fragments may appear almost similar. And you certainly don’t wish to end up dislodging the blood clot formed post tooth extraction. It exposes the socket leading to a dry socket. Why expose jawbone and nerves to infection unnecessarily? Thus, it’s best to let a professional examine the site in case of severe pain.
Don’t ignore a combination of immense pain combined with swelling and pus for more than two weeks.
Why do dental experts recommend alveoloplasty before placing implants?
No doubt, alveoloplasty is performed post-extraction. But there are certain exceptions.
The extraction site might appear free of dental bone spicule immediately after tooth removal. But, they show up a few days or weeks later. Thus, dentists take x-rays of gums before placing an implant. If the X-ray detects bone spicule, your surgeon might recommend alveoloplasty for extracting these pieces.
The surgery is conducted a few months before placing an implant so that the jawbone remains in shape. Once healed, the jawbone offers appropriate support to the artificial root. But, there has to be a gap of around 65 days between alveoloplasty and implant surgery.
Quick tips to reduce discomfort associated with dental bone spurs
The most preferred option is to let the unwanted material move out via natural eruption. Don’t try to dislodge the bone pieces with your fingers.
Patients must ensure they take painkillers and other prescribed medication as per schedule.
- Opt for warm saltwater rinses to expedite the spicule exfoliation process and reduce inflammation.
- Don’t use at-home tweezers, and try to remove the spicules at home. Discomfort and pain might increase if you try pulling pieces connected to the jawbone.
- Control the urge to brush your tongue against the bone fragment, as this can worsen the pain.
It’s best to visit your dental clinic if a bone fragment remains in place and continues to cause discomfort despite waiting for a month or more.
Precautionary measures
As a preventative measure, dental surgeons perform an alveoloplasty post tooth extraction. The process ensures bone spicules do not form at the operated site.
It’s vital to follow your dentist’s tips after any oral surgery. Good aftercare ensures zero complications. In addition, you can avoid bone spurs in the gum tissue by following good eating and oral hygiene habits.
Are you experiencing any complications post-oral surgery? Do you experience bad breath? Is the tiny piece of bone triggering pain and hurting your tongue? Don’t ignore these signs of trouble. Instead, fix an appointment at TruCare Dentistry today. We provide a wide range of dental services at excellent prices. If you’re a resident of Alpharetta, Dunwoody, Marietta, Milton, Sandy Springs, or Woodstock, then you don’t have to look any further. Let us conduct a detailed dental check and ensure your oral health remains superb.
1. Do bone fragments come out on their own?
Yes, bone fragments do come out on their own after six to eight weeks or more. But the natural process is extremely slow and can cause pain and discomfort till they are stuck in the gums. If they cause too much discomfort, it’s prudent to see a dentist.
2. What do bone fragments feel like?
Bone fragments often feel like small and sharp flakes sticking in the gums. They can create discomfort in the gums and create pressure.
3. Can I pull out a bone Spicule?
It’s not at all advisable to pull out a bone Spicule on your own. It can create much bigger problems and can cause severe infection and dental complications that’ll require several invasive and expensive procedures to treat.
4. How long does it take for bone fragments to dissolve?
It can take over a year or more for bone fragments to dissolve naturally.
5. Can bone fragments cause pain?
Yes, bone fragments can cause pain and discomfort when they remain stuck to gums for more than a month. Apart from that, brushing against the tongue or eating hot and spicy foods can worsen the pain.