What are the economic effects of poor dental health?

What are the economic effects of poor dental health?

The effects of poor oral health are not just limited to unsightly stain, toothache, and cavities. Poor dental hygiene causes other severe health issues along with a lack of confidence in personal as well as professional life.

Diseases caused by poor dental hygiene

When it comes to the list of severe health issues linked with oral hygiene, cardiovascular diseases, dementia, respiratory infections, and diabetes-related complications make it in the list.

Bacteria developed in the sub-gingival pockets can enter the bloodstream. They can increase the production of toxic proteins that trigger Alzheimer’s disease. According to the study published in Science Advances, the same bacteria can manage to reach the brain using nerve channels as well.

Bacteria linked with periodontal disease reach the heart arteries via the bloodstream, resulting in hardening of arteries (Atherosclerosis). Case studies suggest the medical condition results in the formation of a layer of plaque on the arteries walls, further increasing the risk of a heart attack. If ignored, such patients may end up with endocarditis, involving infection in the inner lining of the heart.

Infected teeth are home to several bacteria. Fine droplets that contain harmful bacteria from mouth and throat end up in the lungs while breathing. These may cause chest infections. The list of other severe conditions linked with gum disease bacteria also includes respiratory infections, pneumonia, weak bones, and immune system disorders.
There is ample research work that shows how people with gum problems remain more vulnerable to severe pneumonia. The most recent one happens to be from the Yale University School of Medicine.

There’s a two-way relationship; high blood sugar can also trigger gum infections. Studies suggest that diabetes patients often show signs of poor oral hygiene. Gum disease and inflammation make it harder for diabetes patients to keep blood sugar levels under control. Such patients require a longer time for healing after undergoing dental procedures.

Dental issues cause damages worth billions around the world

A study titled Global Economic Impact of Dental Diseases, published by the Journal of Dental Research highlighted exciting facts concerning financial loss caused due to dental diseases.

These medical conditions cause (worldwide) indirect losses worth $144 billion annually. On the other hand, the direct annual cost was found to be around $298 billion.

Indirect cost included the loss of work productivity resulted due to absenteeism, while the direct damages were determined based on expenditures incurred for various treatments. Researchers relied on a global dental health database consisting of records from 66 nations.
Patients suffering from tooth loss, severe periodontitis, and untreated tooth decay were monitored as a part of the research. The authors highlighted the point that getting timely oral health care can reduce the treatment cost.

Put simply; many auto-immune and chronic diseases have a link with inflammation and infections harbouring in the form of bacteria in the mouth. Thus, infected teeth need to be treated as soon as possible to ensure they do not impact the person’s professional or personal life.

Patients in developing countries remain miles away from affordable dental care

The population in developing nations lacks access to oral care facilities. Teeth remain untreated for several months or are directly extracted instead of opting for therapeutic options due to sky-high treatment costs. Poor oral health in children is a common phenomenon in these nations.

Ignorance towards health, poor living conditions, and poverty keep people away from dental clinics in developing countries. Thus, a large number of adults belonging to 65 plus age group happen to be edentulous according to World Health Organization’s data.

The message is simple, brushing teeth with fluoride toothpaste and flossing after every meal is crucial. Ignoring oral health today can lead to hundreds of dollars worth of treatment costs at a later stage. Cavities need to be treated and filled on time. Do not skip your quarterly dental check-up.

Lack of Self Confidence due to unhealthy teeth

People with a damaged smile feel embarrassed to smile in front of others. Oral imperfections often demotivate and cause frustration in day-to-day life. Such individuals hesitate when it comes to getting up and speaking in public during events.

As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s multiple studies, a person with poor oral health loses around two days’ worth of work productivity per year. The math also indicates a loss of 164 million working hours for the American economy due to dental issues.

Illness also suggests that the person might have lesser energy. It is obvious; sick individuals fail to perform even if they are at work. The appearance suffers along with countenance. Thus, the person’s smile is considered as a sign of the individual’s overall fitness.

Can access to dental care increase the chances of getting employed?

Study participants who completed their dental treatment under CDA’s initiative were twice likely to get a new job. Patients with infected or broken-down teeth showed a significant improvement in their level of confidence. Pulling the broken teeth and getting a dose of antibiotics as per prescription can help in clearing abscessed gum and infected sinuses. What’s the conclusion? After treatment, the patient becomes physically and emotionally fit for job-hunting.

If you are looking for trustworthy general dentistry in Roswell, GA to discuss dental issues, you should make an appointment at TruCare Dentistry today.