Effective Ways to Deal with Pain in Temporary Dental Crowns

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Deal with Pain in Temporary Dental Crowns

If any of your teeth wears out, decays, or gets injured, then you may need a dental crown to protect its inner layers.

After a visit to your dentist, it will take about two weeks to make and install a permanent crown on the affected tooth.

Till that time, the dentist will place a temporary crown to safeguard the tooth and its inner layers.

In some instances, the temporary dental crowns cause a little discomfort or pain after they are installed. However, there’s nothing to worry about as it is not uncommon.

In this blog, you will get to know many things about pain from a temporary crown starting from the common reasons to ways to treat the pain and take care of your oral hygiene. Read on to know more.

Common reasons for temporary crown pain

A temporary crown can hurt for several different reasons, which can be as innocuous as an incompatible crown to as serious as a cracked tooth or bacterial infection. Here are some possible causes of pain in temporary crowned teeth.

1. Incompatible crown

If the temporary crown doesn’t fit the tooth properly, then it can create pressure on the affected tooth and cause pain. The chances of falling off are high if the crown is incompatible with the tooth. In such a situation, it’s best to inform the dentist and follow their instructions.

2. Cracked tooth

A cracked or fractured tooth can exacerbate the pain after the temporary crown is placed. That’s why a thorough examination is extremely necessary to ensure that no cracks or fractures are there in any tooth. If a crack is found and it’s deep, then the tooth may need a root canal procedure before it gets a permanent crown.

3. Cavities

In rare cases, a gap forms between the temporary crown and the gum line, which can cause bacteria and food particles to enter the gap and cause cavities. It’s extremely crucial to maintain good oral hygiene as well as brush twice a day and floss once daily to eliminate bacteria.

4. Infection

If an infection develops after a temporary crown procedure it can cause pain as well as swelling, pus, tenderness, bad breath, and bad taste.

5. Sore gums

It isn’t common to develop sore gums after a temporary crown is placed, but if that happens then it can cause pain. In most cases, sore gums usually go away on their own after a few days.

6. Teeth grinding

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can put pressure on the temporary crown and can break or damage it. People who grind their teeth while they’re asleep do so without knowing it. Wearing a mouthguard during sleep time can minimize the pressure on the crown and the affected tooth. Some people also grind their teeth unconsciously when they’re awake. The best remedy is to be aware of that and avoid doing it.

Some effective ways to treat pain in the temporary crown

Usually, it isn’t uncommon for a temporary crown procedure to hurt a little. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce the pain.

1. Saltwater rinse

Being a natural antibacterial, saltwater can kill bacterial infection and can decrease inflammation. A study found that rinsing with warm saltwater can promote healing and reduce inflammation. It is the first thing you should you if you feel any pain in the temporary crown area.

2. Pain relievers:

Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) can relieve the pain and provide comfort.

3. Oral numbing agents

Numbing gels such as Anbesol or Orajel contain a topical anesthetic named benzocaine that can reduce pain when directly applied to the affected area.

4. A mouthguard:

Wearing a mouthguard can help people who grind their teeth while they’re asleep.

5. Icepack:

It can reduce inflammation and swelling when applied once every 30 minutes wrapped in a towel.

What if the pain in the temporary crown persists after a week?

If the temporary crown pain persists after a week, and the saltwater rinse, pain relievers, and numbing gels don’t work, call your dentist or schedule a visit.

Check for the underlying cause behind the pain. If there is one indeed, find out what treatment can resolve the issue before the permanent crown is applied.

What if the temporary crown falls off and causes pain?

Even though temporary crowns are placed for about two weeks, they are properly cemented to the teeth. But if proper care is not taken they can become loose and eventually fall off. If that happens, don’t panic. Just follow these steps.

  1. If the fallen crown is in sight, pick it and keep it with you.
  2. Call your dentist and share all details about the crown and the tooth.
  3. If the situation calls for a visit to the dentist then schedule an appointment. If it doesn’t, then follow the instructions to reinsert and re-cement the crown.
  4. Don’t eat sticky or chewy food and avoid putting any pressure on the crown till you get the permanent crown.

Oral hygiene during temporary crown

Even as the temporary crown is placed, you can take proper dental care and maintain good oral hygiene by not putting excess pressure on the temporary crown.

Maintain your oral hygiene regimen and keep the area around the temporary crown clean. Brush on the area as gently as you can. Be careful while flossing. Slide the dental floss gently instead of pulling it up and down.

To conclude,

Although the pain after a temporary dental crown procedure is not uncommon, it’s extremely crucial to stay alert and look out for signs that may indicate underlying dental problems. It will be extremely beneficial in the long run and will reduce the chances of failure of permanent crowns. If you are looking for a dental crown in Roswell, GA, consider TruCare Dentistry. Contact us to schedule an appointment.


1. Are temporary crowns supposed to hurt?

It isn’t uncommon for temporary crowns to hurt a little immediately after the procedure. But if the pain doesn’t go away in some days, then that’s a reason for concern.

2. Why is my tooth throbbing after a crown?

It’s normal to feel a bit of pain, discomfort, and sensitivity immediately after a temporary crown procedure. But if the pain persists for longer than two weeks and isn’t subsided by pain relievers, then call your dentist.

3. Is a temporary crown supposed to be sensitive?

A temporary crown procedure may cause a little sensitivity or discomfort for a few days. But it isn’t normal for the sensation to persist for a long time. If it does, visit your dentist.

4. How long do temporary crowns hurt?

Usually, a little pain persists just after the temporary crown procedure but it goes away completely within two weeks.

5. How do I know if my temporary crown is infected?

Here are some signs of temporary crown infection—redness on or around the area of crown placement, swelling of the jaw or gums, pain or tenderness around the crown, and a strange warm sensation in a particular area.