How Healthy Teeth Plays An Important Role In Anti-Aging?


Modern dentistry helps in preventing, slowing, and even reversing the aging triggered due to damage to the teeth and tissues surrounding the same. Thus, dentists and beauticians who craft camera-ready smiles for celebrities prefer exploring tooth-related issues first when it comes to reestablishing youthfulness. Here’re five factors that can help in reducing facial aging.

Gum Recession

The smile remains incomplete without those wonderful teeth and gum tissues that hold them together. Damage to the oral tissues means damage to the foundation of your smile. Reduced collagen production, abrasion caused due to aggressive brushing, gum infections, and poor oral hygiene practices may lead to gum recession. The loss of gum tissue can cause damage to the tooth bone structure which ultimately results in tooth loss.

Medicated mouthwashes, deep cleaning, proper brushing habits, and antibiotics are prescribed as initial treatment options to control the infection from spreading and prevent further recessions. Patients may also be advised to undergo gum graft, flap surgery along with other surgical procedures in case of moderate to severe recession.

Repositioning Certain Teeth

The lower third part of the face gets immense support in the form of teeth and unfortunately, this begins to collapse as teeth wear down, or are extracted due to dental issues. Plus, the loss of cheek fat and wrinkles on the face accelerates the process.

To bring back the smile and the necessary support, dentists may recommend crowns, veneers, or Invisalign for changing the position of some teeth. Patients, especially celebrities, often choose lip fillers and restore the fullness of their lips to hide the collapsing teeth. Using safe injectable solutions such as Juvederm to recover the collagen loss in the lip due to aging can be a good idea to restore the glory of lips. However, this cannot always fix the underlying issue of recovering support. The best alternative to these is getting the teeth fixed and restoring the lost support in place. There are several types of orthodontic treatment options when it comes to tooth repositioning.

Teeth Whitening To Manage Discoloration

The once-sparkling smile keeps on dimming every year as teeth keep on losing their natural whiteness. Things like coffee, red wine, and even tea can stain the enamel. The yellowing of dentin visible through the tooth enamel makes it look more stained. Dentists recommend teeth whitening to lighten the teeth by a few shades.

Some whitening toothpaste may make the teeth oversensitive and cause damage to the enamel as well. Thus, whitening kinds of toothpaste are not recommended on regular basis. You can approach TruCare, one of the top Roswell Dentists, to discuss tooth whitening options.

Tooth Loss Impacts Face Appearance

It doesn’t matter if the tooth was lost due to an accident or was extracted due to decay. The bone below the lost tooth starts shrinking within a few days due to the lack of chewing pressure. It further deteriorates the bone around healthy teeth, results in compromising adjacent teeth.

Teeth and jawbones support the muscles of the face. Within a year or so, individuals who have lost their tooth may find noticeable changes in their cheeks as the skin nearby the jaw starts to sag. This triggers the aging process. To avoid getting such aging signs on the face, it is advisable to opt for dental implants.

Treating Teeth Grinding Before It Is Too Late

Skin damage caused due to excess exposure to sunlight, side-effects of smoking are considered as some of the main reasons behind wrinkles on the face. However, the most damaging, teeth grinding habit often remains ignored and untreated. If left unattended for several months, it causes tooth and bone loss along with bite collapse, which is the primary reason behind premature wrinkles. Teeth grinding can also expedite the facial muscle tone loss indirectly affecting the functioning of the mouth.

The facial muscle tone decrease causes problems like lengthening out of lips, chin recess, sagging skin on various parts of the face. Thus, the person starts appearing prematurely aged. Wearing a mouth guard and opting for cognitive behavioral therapy can help in treating teeth grinding.

The oral health of an individual is often looked upon as his general health barometer. Eating correctly and gaining nourishment to keep the overall body in shape becomes easy if the person’s oral health is in excellent condition. The life expectancy in some countries has reached 80 years. Researchers have observed that most of the individuals with better teeth are reaching old age. So, don’t hesitate to discuss your oral health issues. If you are looking for the best Roswell Dental Care, please reach us at TruCare Dentistry.