How To Prepare Yourself For A One-Day or Multi-Day Crown Placement Procedure?

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In the field of dentistry, a crown generally refers to a cap that fits over a tooth. It is a type of dental restoration that completely encircles a tooth that has been severely damaged or weakened by an injury, cavity, or dental work such as a root canal. In this blog, we will throw light on dental crowns in Roswell GA, and how you can prepare yourself for this procedure.

Role of dental crowns

Since dental crowns are placed on top of the damaged tooth, they help to protect, cover, and restore the shape of your teeth. The best thing about dental crowns is that they don’t necessitate any special care over time other than regular good oral hygiene.

Types of dental crowns

A crown is usually made from a variety of materials like ceramic, resin, porcelain, or metal. It is bonded to the tooth by using dental cement. Based on the type of material that is best suited for your requirements, your dentist will perform either a same-day crown installation or may complete the procedure over two appointments. Whether you have been suggested a same-day procedure or a multi-day procedure, an understanding of the entire procedure will help you to prepare yourself for crown installation.

Key steps for dental crown preparation

Whether it’s a single-day procedure or a multi-day procedure, the initial steps are the same for both procedures. Here are the key initial steps:

1. Mouth examination:

Your dentist will first examine your mouth. He will examine and evaluate the tooth that needs the crown and the area surrounding the tooth. To get a better view of the roots of the tooth and the surrounding bone, the dentist may take X-rays of your tooth.

2. Anesthesia:

For the preparation of a dental crown, your dentist will apply local anesthesia. He will inject a temporary numbing agent into your gum to prevent pain during crown preparation. Some dentists also provide conscious sedation in which the patient remains awake for the procedure but feels drowsy and relaxed.

3. Tooth preparation:

The next step is the preparation of the tooth. In this step, the dentist may shave down, file, or remove part of the outer layer of the tooth. With the help of a tool, they will remove the part of the top and sides of your tooth to make it smoother. In this step, the dentist may also need to build up a broken or weakened tooth to make it strong enough to support the crown. Tooth preparation is a very important step that affects how the crown fits on top of it. If the tooth is not filed down correctly, it may result in a misaligned bite and further result in wear of enamel as well as pain in your jaw.

After the tooth is prepared for the crown, the next step depends on the type of crown you are getting.

Steps for a multi-day procedure

Crown preparation for a multi-day procedure involves the following steps:

1. Tooth impression:

The dentist will make an impression of your tooth and the surrounding area. This impression will be sent to a laboratory for the manufacturing of the crown.

2. Temporary crown installation:

Till the crown gets ready, the dentist will place a temporary crown on top of your tooth. This temporary cap will protect your tooth until the permanent tooth is ready for installation over your tooth. After the placement of a temporary crown, you are allowed to go home. You need to follow all the instructions given by your dentist to care for your temporary crown.

3. Next appointment:

Your dentist will call you again in the office, usually after 2 weeks of temporary crown placement. They will remove the temporary crown and observe the area again.

4. Final crown installation:

The dentist will apply a dental cement that is appropriate for the type of crown you are getting as well as the location. They will apply an even layer of cement to the inside of the crown and will carefully set the crown onto your tooth. After the crown has been placed appropriately, the dentist will remove or scrape the excess dental cement.

Steps for a one-day procedure

Crown preparation for a one-day procedure involves the following steps:

1. Scanning of your mouth:

If you are getting a one-day crown placement, your dentist will first take digital scans of your mouth. Digital scans are required to get an exact idea of the affected tooth that needs a crown and the surrounding area. The dentist will use this scan to create a 3-D model of your tooth.

2. Crown preparation:

The dentist will send the exact measurements and details from the digital images to the equipment that will prepare the crown. Usually, the CAD/CAM software is used to create and design your crown model. based on the model, they will sculpt the crown, remove the excess ceramic, trim the surface, and polish it until it turns out into a perfect shape for your mouth.

3. Final crown installation:

Your dentist will choose an appropriate dental cement to install the final crown onto your prepared tooth. Before the installation of the same-day crown, you can ask for local anesthesia during the process. Once the numbness is gone, you are good to go home.

After getting your final crown placement, you may have some kind of discomfort or mild pain in your mouth. However, this pain and discomfort will last for a small duration. Your dentist will provide you with over-the-counter pain relievers to manage your pain. If the condition doesn’t improve even after a couple of weeks, you must call your dentist for an examination.


Whether you are getting a tooth crown for the first time or have already received a crown before, it is advisable to consult your dentist for your crown installation requirements. Having an idea of different types of crowns and steps involved in the crown placement will prepare you in advance both mentally and physically for the procedure.

If you are looking for the best service providers for dental crowns in Roswell GA, you must get in touch with TruCare Dentistry. They have a team of professionals who are well versed in using the latest tools and technology to provide the best possible dental treatment.