How Your Pediatric Dentist Advises Preventing Tooth Decay in Your Baby?

How Your Pediatric Dentist Advises Preventing Tooth Decay in Your Baby?

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What causes tooth decay in children?

There are many questions parents may have when they are concerned about dental health for their children. As the children are the most vulnerable tooth decay, parents should take preventive measures to maintain oral health for their young ones. Usually, they like sweet and sugary food. Bacteria that usually live in the mouth turn these foods stuck on or in between teeth in acids. The compound of bacteria, food, acid, and saliva form a substance called plaque that sticks to the teeth. Tooth decay or dental caries is caused by bacteria eating away the enamel (outer protective layer) of a tooth. This blog is a comprehensive guide to prevent tooth decay in kids. But, before we move on to exploring the preventive measures of tooth decay in children, let’s understand the common causes first.

Causes of tooth decay in toddlers

Poor oral hygiene and exposure to sugary drinks and diet are among the main causes of cavity formation in toddlers. Besides, when parents put their children to bed with a bottle of formula, milk, juice or soft drinks, the chances of tooth decay increases. Also, it can occur while children are allowed to frequently drink anything other than water from a sippy cup or bottle.

Baby tooth decay treatment

The treatment of tooth decay for a toddler actually depends on the symptoms, general health, and age, and other conditions. In most cases, treatments placed in teeth to repair damage caused by tooth decay, and also called restorations.

With the direct restorations, a dentist places a filling directly into a prepared hole. These fillings may be made out of silver, acrylic acids, fine glass powders or resin.

Moreover, indirect restorations include inlays, inlays, veneers, crowns, and bridges. These are composed of gold, ceramics, or composites. This treatment usually requires more than one dental visit.

Nevertheless, have a look at certain precautionary techniques to prevent tooth decay in young children.

Brushing Techniques

The start of rotting teeth in children begins with poor oral hygiene, which can be prevented with proper brushing techniques. Accurate brushing techniques are crucial to prevent cavities on toddlers’ teeth. Teaching your child to brush and floss every day would be a good idea to limit dental problems. If your baby does not have teeth yet, clean your baby’s gums with a soft cloth or gauze pad that will remove plaque before the first teeth come in.

And, when your child’s first teeth erupt, start cleaning his or her teeth with a soft toothbrush. If your baby is younger than 3 years, ask your dentist before using a rice-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste while brushing. And, for children ages 3 to 6 years old, use a pea-sized fluoride toothpaste amount. Plus, you should start flossing your children’s teeth when they have teeth that touch each other. Get more information on how to clean a child’s teeth effectively.

Maintain oral hygiene

Maintaining good oral hygiene helps to prevent not only dental cavities but also keeps you away from dental problems. When you want to prevent dental problems in your children, you should be strict about following hygienic habits.

Do not share spoons and other utensils with your kids. And, never clean your baby’s pacifier with your mouth. Take good care of your teeth and gums. Also, you should teach them healthy habits by allowing them to watch performing you. So, you also should practise certain habits to keep yours and your child’s teeth in a healthy condition.

Further, try to prevent prolonged contact with sugars in formula and breast milk. Do not forget to remove a bottle from your baby’s mouth before he or she falls asleep. These practices help limit mouth bacteria from building acids that cause baby bottle tooth decay. Lastly, clean your toddler’s teeth after feeding, especially at night.

Smartly choose juices

When you want to offer juice to children, opt for freshly made juices. The readymade juices contain preservatives and added sugar, which causes tooth decay. In fact, encourage your child to eat fresh fruits rather than juice. Compared to fruit, fruit juices do not have valuable fiber.

Try to avoid readily available fruit juice, unless the label says that a fruit drink is 100% juice. The artificial flavor and added sugar can cause dental problems if it consumes frequently. Further, introduce cups for drinking beverages around the age of 12 months. By this age, a child is prone to develop tooth decay with frequent bottle-feedings, particularly with juice or other high-sugar liquids.

Healthy food habits

Healthy food habits are essential to prevent dental caries in young children. Encourage your child to consume nutritious foods like whole grains, nuts, vegetables, and fruits. Also, Mozzarella and other cheeses, yoghurt, and milk are good for teeth and make great after-meal snacks. These foods help clear the harmful sugars from the mouth and protect against plaque. Rinse or brush your child’s teeth after he or she eat high-sugar foods like sticky, sweet foods like raisins.

Hence, follow the proper brushing techniques along with a healthy diet and other hygienic habits to prevent tooth decay and many other dental problems in young children. More importantly, schedule a routine dental check-up for your kids and make sure to take preventive actions rather than curing the problem. However, if your kid has developed tooth decay, do not delay to contact your dentist. Get the treatment as early as possible to avoid further complications.

At Trucare Dentistry, Roswell, GA, our dentist offer the ultimate dental treatment for young children for any kind of dental problem. Book an appointment or visit us to get precautionary treatment for your young ones and keep their teeth in good shape.