Is It Possible to Regrow Natural Teeth with Medicines Or Oral Hygiene Products?

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Adults Regrow Natural teeth
  • Is it possible to regrow the enamel or other parts of the natural teeth with medicines or some therapy?
  • Is there any way to regrow teeth instead of fixing or replacing them with dental implants or fixtures?
You have reached the blog for answers to these or similar questions.

Let’s look at where the studies on regrowing human teeth have reached so far. Then, focus on treatment options that can restore your chewing power in case of damaged teeth.

Where has the research reached so far?

The U.S population spends more than $120 billion each year on dental treatments. A considerable part of this goes towards fixing and replacing teeth. Filling cavities, root canals, placing dental crowns, bridges, dentures are most performed procedures.

Yes, researchers are finding ways to regrow natural teeth. Yet, one of them seems most promising.

Scientists are working on a therapy that uses stem cells for oral cavity bone generation. They believe these cells can strengthen teeth sockets that hold teeth in the lower and upper jaw.

As reported by the BBC, researchers at the King’s College London developed a drug called Tideglusib. Yes, scientists have partially succeeded in the regeneration of teeth in rats. But not in humans as of now.

Are cavities and decay reversible?

There are oral hygiene products that can assist in controlling decay up to a certain extent. You can use remineralizing toothpaste for the same.

Enamel wear remains in control and does not get worse with fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash. However, no product or medicine can reverse the decay and cavities.

Put simply; there is no way to regrow natural teeth as of now. But, there are ways to restore chewing ability and jaw bone support despite losing natural teeth.

Restorative dentistry to reinstate your chewing power

You won’t worry much if the missing tooth is in the back. However, decayed or missing ones in the center can hamper your chewing power and ability to speak. So, addressing the issue becomes a priority.

In most cases, tooth filling, endodontic treatment, or a dental implant can do the trick. These restorative procedures enjoy a success rate of more than 95 percent.

Your dentist will recommend the best option depending on the damaged part of the tooth. Your budget, overall health condition, and the number of problematic teeth are other considerations.

You certainly have questions concerning endodontic treatment and implants. Here’s a comprehensive look at the most crucial aspects of these procedures.

Root canal

Is the root canal procedure painless and straightforward? Yes, it is; dentists perform it after administering anesthesia if necessary.

The surgeon drills a minor hole on the dental crown to reach the inner area and remove the dead pulp. The chamber is cleaned and filled up with natural material (gutta-percha). The site is sealed and closed with a crown to restore chewing ability. The restored tooth looks natural.

Root canal procedure can help restore your natural teeth even if the pulp is diseased.

Patients certainly wish to know how long their teeth can last post root canal procedure. You won’t have to worry about the operated tooth for ten to fifteen years. The process is one of the most appreciated endodontic treatments. But, maintaining oral hygiene remains crucial.

Dental implant

The case becomes complicated if the decay reaches the root and damages the structure. A dental implant is the only option to help the patient.

The procedure consists of two steps. Metal screws like posts are surgically placed in the jaw bone as the first step. These act like tooth roots. A healing period of a few weeks ensures screws integrate with the jaw bone.

Then, in step two, an artificial tooth-like structure with a crown is attached to these screws. The process is performed post administering local anesthesia. Your dentist will also prescribe antibiotics to ensure the surgery site heals faster. Overall, the artificial tooth looks and functions exactly like a natural one.

The surgery technique varies depending on the patient’s health, jaw bone condition, and implant type.

Your dentist will take x-rays to study the overall dental structure. Patients with heart conditions, diabetes, and other lifestyle diseases may need to take certain precautions. Ensure you share your medical history with the dentist along with details for medications that you consume.

Brushing and flossing teeth is necessary post-treatment. Most importantly, quit smoking at least a week before surgery for quicker healing. Do not skip the prescribed antibiotics to avoid infection at the surgical site.

Can dentists place the artificial tooth immediately after extracting the natural one?

No, the treatment can begin a few days after the extraction of the natural tooth.

Are implants better than dentures and bridges?

Yes, the dental implant remains sturdy and does not shift like bridges or dentures. Implants also offer support to the jaw bone post extraction of the natural tooth. You can quickly get back that wonderful smile with implants.

How long do high-quality dental implants last?

Titanium and Zirconia implants are the most popular. You can expect the roots (screws) to last for more than two decades. But, the crown part might need a replacement after 10 to 15 years.

Here’re ways to protect your teeth from decay and damage:
  • Reduce sugar intake.
  • Cut down the consumption of high-starch food items.
  • Add food products with healthy fats.
  • Avoid constantly snacking on nuts and grains.
  • Brush your teeth after consuming sugary drinks as well as soda.
  • Opt for vitamin D, cod liver oil, and fish oil supplements.
  • Besides brushing and flossing, try oil pulling daily.

The end-note:

The tooth decay reaches the dental pulp when patients choose the “wait-and-see” approach. Don’t wait that long; visit your dentist if you notice the slightest issue.

Are you facing bite issues due to missing or crooked teeth? Visit TruCare Dentistry in Roswell (GA). We can help you with the best option for restoring teeth and a natural smile.