Is replacing amalgam fillings with tooth-colored composite a complicated procedure?

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Poor dental hygiene, lack of fluoride, or consuming too much sugary foodstuff and drinks are some of the reasons that cause cavities. Fortunately, simple dental fillings can help in replacing the lost tooth structure and stopping the decay from causing … Continued

Is breastfeeding crucial for a baby even after he or she gets teeth?

Several studies have already proved that breastfeeding offers ample benefits for the infant as well as for the mother. From improving digestion, reducing allergies to protecting it from infections, breastfeeding provides a healthy start to the baby. Importance of breastfeeding … Continued

Does drinking too much coffee worsen gingivitis? Can periodontal disease treatment help?

Millions of people prefer to rely on a cup of coffee to kick-start their day. Around 400 cups of coffee are consumed in the United States daily. However, this morning routine can negatively impact an individual’s dental health. Remember, if … Continued

Is snoring one of the signs of sleep apnea? Is there any link between the conditions?

posted in: Sleep Apnea | 0

Sleep apnea and snoring are sleep disorders. Both affect millions of people in developed and developing nations. Let’s take a look at some of the crucial aspects of both the conditions. What triggers snoring? Snoring indicates the person’s inability to … Continued

What is the difference between TMJ Disorder and Fibromyalgia? Is there any connection between them?

posted in: TMJ Disorder | 0

Both Fibromyalgia and (TMD) Temporomandibular disorders are more prevalent among women. Several aspects link both the medical conditions. Here’re details about these conditions, the difference, and connections between the same. What’s a TMJ disorder? Joints that connect your skull with … Continued