The Causes Of Green Teeth And Here’s How To Treat

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The Causes Of Green Teeth And Here’s How To Treat

A person with a good smile is always more confident and happier. White teeth are often equal to a great smile, while green and stained teeth are not. People usually go to Teeth Whitening dentists to brighten their teeth.

We often see green staining occurring in our teeth. This green staining is of two types:

  • Staining in kids often known as primary staining.
  • Staining in adults often known as secondary staining.

Types of teeth stains

People can have teeth discoloration and green stains. It can also occur by an unhealthy diet, health issues, and imbalanced lifestyle. Most stains result from what you eat as chewing tobacco, smoking cigarettes, tea, and dark color food. There are of two types-

Primary staining

Green teeth are not a very common type of intrinsic stain; children who have jaundice may develop green stains or pigmentation on their teeth. But their teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth that are not green.

Secondary staining

The teeth staining in an adult is called permanent stains, and it is built by bacteria and fungi. It is caused by inadequate oral care.

A change can improve it in daily routine and proper dental check-up by Teeth Whitening Dentist.

Intrinsic staining

It is not very common as it takes place deep within a tooth’s inner layer, but it occurs in kids during teeth development. Green stain mostly results from an unhealthy diet and lack of nutrients.

Extrinsic staining

Extrinsic staining occurs on the outer layer of the tooth or tooth’s enamel. It usually occurs due to dinks or dark food, which contribute to greenish stains on tooth enamel. Tobacco and specific medication also cause green stains.

The reason why teeth turn green

There are several reasons for the green staining of teeth. These reasons include:

Jaundice in infant resulting from hyperbilirubinemia

In infants, jaundice is often associated with yellow eyes and skin. It is commonly caused by an excess of bilirubin in the bloodstream.

Bilirubin exists in blood when red blood cells break down. Yellow pigment bilirubin can affect the color of baby teeth and turn them green.

Persistent jaundice

When jaundice lasts for 2 to 3 weeks or more, it is called persistent jaundice, but the green teeth, which result from hyperbilirubinemia, only affect the child’s primary teeth.

Rh incompatibility

It is a type of protein food found on the surface of red blood cells. It occurs in the pregnant woman. When the woman is Rh-positive blood, and the baby is Rh-positive, it creates antibodies that attack the baby’s red blood cells. Rh- incompatibility can result in hyperbilirubinemia in newborns, which can cause green teeth.

ABO incompatibility

It is also similar to Rh-incompatibility. It occurs when the pregnant woman has an O blood group and her baby has an A or B blood group. It also results in hyperbilirubinemia causing green teeth.


Sepsis occurs due to a life-threatening reaction to an infection. It can stop or slow the release of bile from the liver. This complication is called cholestasis. It causes green teeth in children. It can occur at any age.


Some antibiotics like ciprofloxacin and tetracycline may cause primary and secondary teeth staining and turn your teeth green.

Reasons for extrinsic staining of teeth

Extrinsic stains can be caused by –

  • Chromogenic bacteria
  • Tobacco
  • Dark food like blueberries
  • Dark drinks like tea, coffee, grape juice, soda, and red wine.

Treatment of green tooth

Treatment is different for the intrinsic and extrinsic causes of green teeth. It is also considered that staining has occurred on baby teeth or permanent teeth. Teeth whitening Dentists also need to check how to treat green teeth.

Intrinsic stains on baby teeth

Intrinsic stains on baby teeth are permanent stains. They cannot be removed through brushing or at-home dental. Teeth whitening dentist does not whiten the teeth professionally as the whitening product can irritate the gums, and it cannot be used for kids.

Intrinsic stains on permanent teeth

It is tough to clean stains on permanent teeth. You can clean it at home by-

  • Whitening strips or gel
  • Whitening toothpaste or rinses
  • Trey bleaching,

Teeth Whitening Dentist can provide a custom whitening tray, which uses a peroxide-based gel to be used at home.

Extrinsic stains

Teeth whitening dentists can remove many green stains through professional cleaning, which is called polishing and scaling. Using whitening toothpaste may help. Regular dental check-ups and cleaning can help in having better oral hygiene.

Final words

For having a great smile, you should have white teeth. Stains and green teeth are often caused by a bad lifestyle, medication, and poor eating habits. It sometimes occurs due to health issues; knowing the reason for enamel discoloration is half the battle. To have a pleasing smile, talk to your dental professional and improve your oral health regime. If you are looking for teeth whitening dentists feel free to get in touch with TruCare dentistry. Consider TruCare Dentistry. Our location makes us extremely popular among residents of Sandy Springs, Dunwoody, Alpharetta, Marietta, Milton, and Woodstock. If you stay in and around these areas, do drop by or contact us to schedule a visit.


Is it bad if your teeth are green?

Yes, green staining that can occur on both primary and secondary (permanent) teeth can affect the way your smile looks. Moreover, green teeth can be an indication of an underlying health condition.

What causes teeth to be green or orange?

Chromogenic bacteria is the leading cause of green or orange stains on the teeth, especially in children. Other reasons for teeth discoloration can be deficiencies, drugs, medical conditions, etc.

What color should teeth naturally be?

Not everyone’s teeth are the same. Difference in the thickness of enamel and enamel shade, leads to different colors other than white, which are completely natural.

What is the healthiest teeth color?

Having off-white teeth is often healthy. If the color of the teeth is attributed to plaque buildup or staining, then they are considered unhealthy.