How to take care of your child after he or she undergoes tooth extraction?

How to take care of your child after he or she undergoes tooth extraction?

In spite of sleeping without a bottle and brushing as well as flossing those tiny teeth regularly, some toddlers can end up with cavities, decay in teeth even before celebrating the fourth birthday.

At times, reversing the damage can be done with simple diet changes, and using mineral-fluoride based toothpaste. However, if the condition worsens, there is no other option but to pull them out.

Baby tooth extraction is a simple procedure but performed only by an experienced dentist. Dentists choose the type of extraction procedure depending on the results from dental x-rays. Such a procedure requires the use of local anesthetic. Dentists are trained to ensure the process moves forward smoothly; they can handle the child’s anxiety as well.

Child tooth extraction procedure

Children have 20 primary teeth, and these start coming out when the kid is between six to twelve months of age. These temporary teeth or baby teeth play a crucial role in the child’s eating and chewing abilities until the permanent ones come out. Thus, maintaining proper oral hygiene is essential for keeping them intact.

Children may need to undergo pediatric tooth extraction in case of a decayed or severely damaged tooth as a result of an injury. Pulling the tooth can also become necessary for correcting the adjusted bite, crowding, and making space for the permanent teeth.

As the first step in the pediatric tooth extraction procedure, the dentist checks the condition of bone and tooth roots with the help of an x-ray. The expert uses a pair of forceps to rotate the tooth in the socket and slowly separate the periodontal ligaments connected to the jawbone while pulling the tooth out.

If the extraction procedure involves removing gum tissues, the surgeon may opt for nitrous oxide or other safe sedation methods to ensure the child does not feel any discomfort.

The surgeon uses gel foam to fill the wound formed after extraction in the socket. It automatically falls out within 24 hours. The injury may release slight blood during the first 24-48 hours after the surgery. Bleeding or pinkish tinted saliva flow is common and nothing to worry about. The healing process takes lesser time in case of baby tooth extraction compared to the recovery time required after pulling out an adult tooth.

Child tooth extraction aftercare

  • Some of the most commonly reported issues faced by kids during the 24 hours after tooth extraction are sleepiness, inability to eat, and mild pain in the extraction spot.
  • After the surgery, the dentist would recommend placing a dampened gauze sponge on the extraction spot until the bleeding lessens.
  • The hole may need 14 to 30 days to be automatically sealed as a part of the healing procedure.
  • Dentists suggest parents should not allow the child to participate in sports for a day after undergoing the extraction procedure. Sitting down with the head in an elevated position and relaxing can help.
  • Parents should ensure the child does not put too much pressure on the surgical site while brushing.
  • For controlling swelling, placing ice packs or frozen vegetables on facial areas near the extraction site can offer relief.
  • Drinking plenty of water and choosing softer foods is essential.
  • Children with higher pain thresholds may not experience pain at all. However, dentists do prescribe children’s Ibuprofen or Tylenol for ensuring the patient does not feel any pain after the anaesthesia effect wears off.
  • Parents should not ignore the child if he or she complains about the constant pain in the extraction spot after the end of the prescribed painkillers dosage. Such intense pain may indicate a dry socket and needs to be treated by a dentist.
  • It is advisable to call the dental office immediately of a fever or uncontrolled swelling.


Keep a positive approach

Pediatric dentists have specialization and experience in treating kids. They work with parents and explain the procedure to the children in the simplest way possible. Dentists are also trained to handle kids with dental phobia or fear.

Maintaining a positive approach is critical during the toddler tooth extraction aftercare as well. Offer a reward to the kid for being brave while undergoing the extraction procedure. Discuss how the hole would be occupied by the new tooth and the importance of maintaining oral hygiene for taking care of the same.

When it comes to the list for some of the most prevalent oral diseases in kids, dental decay tops the chart. At times, dentists have no other option but to extract multiple teeth from kids as young as three years old. Sugar and poor oral health are the top reasons to blame. If you are searching for a dentist in Roswell (GA), you should consider visiting TruCare Dentistry with your child.