Toothache and Various Issues Associated With Toothache

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There is no doubt that toothaches can cause overwhelming pain and uneasiness. Tooth pain can even make it hard to chew, speak, focus, or even sleep at night. A toothache is usually caused when the nerve in the root of a tooth is irritated. The most common causes of dental pain may include tooth infection, decay, injury or loss of a tooth. Pain may also occur after a tooth extraction. Most of the time you can have a headache too at the same time as you are experiencing a toothache. It’s natural to wonder that these two symptoms could be linked. Sometimes, a tooth becomes very inflamed and since the nerve endings are connected to the brain, this in turn, makes the pain travel to different parts of the head, leading to a headache.
Below mentioned are some of the key reasons your teeth might hurt, have a look:

Your Wisdom Teeth Are Coming In

Wisdom teeth generally come in between the ages of 17 and 25. They are the third set of molars, situated at the very back of your mouth. As per the American Dental Association (ADA), wisdom teeth begin to move through the jawbone and eventually break through the gum line about 5 years after the second set of molars come in. If you still have your wisdom teeth and they are trying to come out from your gums in an awkward position or without enough space, you might experience some tooth pain. Once they poke through, you may have a higher risk of painful inflammation or infection in the gums. When wisdom teeth emerged or impacted, it causes a great deal of pain, particularly as the condition worsens. For most people having wisdom tooth pain and headache together is very common. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause headaches of the temporomandibular joint, which connects the jaw and skull. This pain may radiate to other areas of the head and face as well.

Many people benefit from having their wisdom teeth removed, while for others the procedure may be unnecessary or even risky, depending on the positioning of the wisdom teeth.

Tooth Pain Causing Migraine

Generally, people with bad cavities or caries have major headaches and migraines. One of the key causes of migraine headaches is an extended toothache. An uneven bite, grinding your teeth and complications with the jaw joint can all contribute to headaches and migraines. There are thousands of nerves and muscles that transmit senses back and forth between our brain and nervous system. Almost all kinds of headaches and toothaches are detected by one of the largest nerves in the head, known as the trigeminal nerve. Due to this connection, most toothaches can be direct causes of headaches.

Curing the toothache and associated headache requires a dentist’s help if the cause stems from a cavity or gum issue. If you think that your migraine and tooth pain are linked, schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible. If both the issues are linked, your dentist should be able to diagnose and suggest you the best course of treatment not only for the oral care issue but also to provide relief from the migraine. Whether you experience mild nagging headaches or frequent migraines, it’s important to consult with your doctor. Your dentist can help you with a lot more than a bright smile.

Toothache and Headache during Period

If you experience tooth pain during your period, blame your hormones. Both headache and toothache during period are one of the most common issues amongst many women. About three to four days out from the start of the period most women experience increased soreness in their mouth, with swelling gums that are more prone to bleeding. This usually happens due to the increased amount of hormones like estrogen and progesterone in the body and an accompanying build-up of plaque. The fluctuating levels of estrogen and progesterone during menstruation can impact your dental health. During this phase, few women complain of dental problems like the development of canker sores or bleeding gums, bright red swollen gums, and swollen salivary glands in the days before their period.

Apart from a toothache, about 60 percent of women who have migraines get menstrual migraines. This can happen anywhere from two days before the start of menstruation to three days after menstruation ends. Migraines may begin from the first period and can start at any time. They may continue throughout the reproductive years and into menopause. A migraine headache can cause severe aching or pulsing in one area of the head, along with nausea, vomiting, and extreme sensitivity to light and sound. If you are experiencing a menstrual migraine, your doctor may recommend you take a combined hormonal contraceptive. These contraceptives can be helpful for migraine headaches because they stabilize the estrogen levels and curb the hormone changes that can trigger an attack.

These are some of the key issues related to a toothache that most of us face. It is vital to note that the majority of dental problems can be cured by adopting various healthy habits such as flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, and having your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year.

1.How do I know if my toothache is serious?

You know it is serious and needs immediate dental treatments when pain persists, keeps on increasing, does not respond to analgesics, and causes headaches. You cannot eat food, eat or sleep.

2. How can I stop a toothache at night?

You can try a few home remedies to help mild toothache or reduce pain due to severe conditions. One is to apply a cold compress on your jaw, where the ailing tooth is located. Next, you can apply some clove oil to a cotton swab and keep it in place. Next, you could try aloe Vera gel on the place. If nothing helps, you can get Lidocaine spray and numb the area until you get to a dentist for treatment.

3.Will a toothache go away?

If it is temporary, such as when you have a toothache caused by an injury to your mouth or jaw, it is likely to go away. If your tooth has a cavity and the pulp is infected, then your toothache will keep increasing until the decayed tooth is removed. It will not go away by itself.

4. How do you get rid of a toothache in 5 minutes?

Use Lidocaine spray to numb the area where you feel pain. This is the surest way. Less severe cases of a toothache may respond to a rinse using salt water or hydrogen peroxide, or cold compress.

5. What relieves a toothache headache?

In many cases, the headache is an outcome of toothache. If you resolve the toothache issue, then headaches subside. Therefore, address your teeth and try to reduce toothache. For example, you could swish salt water around your mouth for a couple of minutes. Then, you apply an ice-cold compress on your jaw. Some say that chewing a clove of garlic helps. Others recommend keeping a clove in your mouth and a drop of tea tree oil on the tooth where you feel pain. Chewing guava leaves does help in some instances. However, the best remedy is to seek dental treatment at a clinic where your dentist will identify the root cause and take immediate remedial action.

6. Is it normal to have a headache during this period?

It depends on one person to another. Hormonal changes and imbalances can cause headaches, nausea, and body pain in many women, so do not be surprised if headaches accompany periods.