Can laser surgery for gum disease offer quick recovery and results?

Gum disease results in irreversible damage to both gums and teeth. And this is where laser-assisted periodontal therapy comes into the picture. There is no need to undergo invasive procedures for gum disease. Instead, dental care professionals use special lasers for the purpose.

Can the procedure help in keeping healthy tissue intact? How do these instruments selectively target infected tissues? Does light energy expedite the healing process? At TruCare Dentistry, our oral surgery experts often come across these queries. Therefore, we’ll clear all your doubts about laser gum surgery. Let’s start from the basics.

Laser in dental treatment

Laser gum surgery involves the use of light energy to kill harmful bacteria. In addition, it triggers tissue and bone growth around the affected teeth. Dentists also recommend the same for treating hypersensitivity and reshaping gum tissue.

Most professionals use only FDA-approved devices for laser-assisted new attachment procedures. There are several types of lasers, including CO2, Diode, Nd: YAG, Erbium, etc.

A quick look at crucial steps involved in laser-assisted periodontal therapy

Dentists use different lasers for operating on hard and soft tissues. Special lasers can selectively target diseased tissues and germs. Healthy tissues remain unharmed. Then, ultrasonic cleaners remove harder deposits like tartar or calculus. Hard mineral calcium deposits break easily due to sound waves. Water constantly flushes away the debris and keeps the area sterilized.

Instead of a scalpel, the energy from the laser kills the bacteria and clears the pocket. In addition, the same light energy helps in sealing up the area.

How? You might wonder. The laser targets the basement membrane of the epithelial lining. It’s a unique part inside the gum pocket. When the tissue is removed, and the tooth is cleaned, the gum pocket can reattach to the tooth surface. There’s no need to use stitches anymore.

You undoubtedly wish to know the benefits of choosing laser-based procedures instead of incisional therapy. Here’s a look at six of them.

Non-invasive process

Before a decade, periodontal surgery meant slicing into gum tissue with medical instruments. Plus, the technique involved the use of stitches to close the wounds.

The laser procedure is non-invasive as there is no need to cut large parts of gum tissues. As a result, the overall risk and chances of postoperative complications are low. In addition, the approach has become gentle. So, patients do not hesitate to get their dental issues fixed.

Improves smile and overall facial appearance

Gums can quickly impact your facial expressions. No one wants a gummy smile. People also hesitate to smile if their teeth are short. The unbalanced proportion of gum tissue to teeth makes people self-conscious about their smiles.

Laser gum surgery helps in getting the smile you always wanted. Your dentist can trim excess tissue and reshape your gums without causing discomfort.

Quick recovery and healing

The traditional approach involves cutting and slicing gum tissue. Further, the post-surgery swelling and pain increase the uneasiness. Healing takes several weeks. The patient remains on a liquid diet for a few days.

Laser surgery does not involve the use of surgical tools. Lesser tissue damage means minor discomfort, bleeding, and inflammation. The operated site recovers within 24 hours. There’s only mild discomfort involved post-procedure.

Use of anesthesia

The traditional surgical approach is invasive. So, administering anesthesia in various parts is crucial.

Doctors urge patients to avoid sedatives due to allergies. In some cases, patients do not react to the anesthetic at all.

Fortunately, laser surgery does not involve extensive use of anesthesia. At most, your dental surgeon might use it to numb the area before the procedure.


When patients opt for incisional therapy, the gum shrinks and exposes root surfaces. As a result, they become too sensitive to the cold. With a laser-based process, the gum recession is lesser. Therefore, the sensitivity is much less.

Less discomfort and bleeding

Compared to conventional routes, laser-based dental procedures result in minimum bleeding. Lasers are accurate, and dentists ensure healthy tissue remains safe. The discomfort experienced by the patient is not much, even in complicated cases. Depending on your overall oral health, your dentist may not even prefer using anesthesia.

Which are the dental procedures performed with lasers?

  • Sealing dentin tubules
  • Tooth whitening
  • Periodontal procedures
  • Endodontic procedures
  • Treating gummy smile

Who can prove the best candidate for laser-based surgery?

Experts do not recommend the procedure to patients with specific types of metal fillings. Everyone else is eligible.

What about side effects?

You don’t want to allow a rookie to use your mouth as a practice venue, do you? If you choose an inexperienced dentist, you can end up with scarring, infection, significant gum tissue color change, and severe pain. On the other hand, there’s no need to worry if you choose a dentist who has experience in laser treatments.

Slight bleeding, discoloration, and minor swelling are common temporary side effects.

Patient-safety comes first

No worries, dentists certainly do not use that powerful space laser used in the Bond film, Die Another Day.

At TruCare Dentistry Roswell , we use FDA-approved lasers. We prefer PPE, eye-protection gear, and HVE (high-volume evacuator) suction devices. Our team has ample experience in offering laser-assisted therapy.

Are you searching for a trustworthy dental clinic that offers laser-assisted periodontal therapy in Roswell (GA)? Fix an appointment at TruCare Dentistry today. Let’s improve your oral health and get that great smile back.