The Myths of Root Canal Treatment

The Myths of Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is one of the dental procedures to treat a damaged tooth. Many people are reluctant to undergo this treatment despite its effectiveness due to various myths and misconceptions. This blog will discuss some of the most common myths about root canal treatment.

Let’s dive in.

Several Myths Surround The Procedure of Root Canal Therapy

Myth 1: Treatment is Painful

One of the common myths about root canal treatment is that it is painful. However, this is far from the truth. With modern dental technology and anesthesia advancements, root canal treatment is now virtually painless. The procedure operations under local anesthesia numb the affected area, ensuring the patient feels no pain or discomfort during the treatment.

Moreover, the pain people associate with treatment occurs due to the infection or inflammation of the tooth’s pulp. The therapy removes this infected or inflamed pulp, relieving pain and discomfort.

Myth 2: Not Necessary If The Tooth is Not Painful

Another common myth about root canal treatment is that it is only necessary if the tooth is painful. In many cases, a tooth may be infected or damaged, but the patient may not experience any pain or discomfort. It is because the nerve tissue in the tooth may have died, and there is no longer any sensation in the tooth.

Ignoring the infection or damage to the tooth can lead to severe complications related to the spread of disease to other teeth or even the development of an abscess. Therefore, it is essential to undergo treatment if the dentist recommends it, regardless of whether the tooth is painful.

Myth 3: It’s A Long and Involved Process

It is a dental procedure when a tooth’s pulp (nerve tissue) becomes infected or inflamed. One common myth about this procedure is that it is a long and involved process. However, the truth is that the length of the system can vary depending on the specific case.

Root canal treatment can generally be completed in one or two appointments, each lasting 60-90 minutes. The dentist will clean and shape the root canals, fill them with a particular material, and seal the tooth with a temporary filling.

At the second appointment, typically scheduled a few days to a week later, the dentist will remove the temporary filling and replace it with a permanent filling or crown to protect the tooth.

While the process may seem involved, it is a routine procedure performed by dentists and endodontists (root canal specialists) daily. With modern techniques and anesthesia, patients can expect minimal discomfort and a relatively quick recovery time.

It is important to note that delaying or avoiding treatment due to fear of the procedure can lead to more severe pain, complications, and potential loss of the affected tooth. If you are experiencing sensitivity/tooth pain, scheduling an appointment with your dentist to determine the cause and appropriate treatment plan is essential.

Myth 4: Root Canal Treatment Causes Illnesses

Another myth about treatment is that it can cause heart disease, arthritis, or cancer. This myth stems from a study conducted in the early 20th century that claimed to have found a link between root canal-treated teeth and these illnesses. However, this study has been discussed by numerous scientific studies, which have found no evidence of a link between treatment and systemic diseases.

It is a safe and effective procedure, and there is no need to fear its adverse health effects.

Myth 5: Extraction Is A Better Option Than Root Canal Treatment

Some people believe tooth extraction is better than root canal treatment if the tooth is severely damaged or infected. Extracting a tooth can lead to several complications, such as misalignment of teeth, difficulty chewing, and bone loss in the jaw. Moreover, removing a tooth does not address the underlying infection or damage, and it can lead to further complications in the future.

On the other hand, treatment is a conservative option that preserves the natural tooth structure and prevents the need for more invasive procedures such as tooth extraction and dental implants.

Myth 6: Requires Multiple Visits

Treatment is a dental procedure to fix and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. Contrary to popular belief, root canal treatment typically does not require multiple visits. 

During the procedure, the dentist will remove the damaged or infected tissue inside the tooth, clean the root canals, and then fill them with unique dental material. Sometimes, a temporary filling may be placed in the tooth to protect it until a permanent filling or crown is placed.

After the treatment completes, the tooth may be sore for a few days, but you can usually manage this discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers. In some cases, a second visit to the dentist may be necessary to place a permanent filling or crown on the tooth.

Myth 7: Root Canal Treatment is Expensive

The treatment cost can vary depending on several factors, including the tooth’s location, the procedure’s complexity, the dentist’s experience, and the type of dental insurance you have. However, in many cases, treatment is covered by dental insurance.

In addition, root canal treatment is often less expensive than alternative procedures, such as tooth extraction followed by a dental implant. Saving your natural tooth through treatment can also prevent the need for more extensive and costly dental work in the future.

Ultimately, weigh the expense of treatment, which should be considered contrary to the potential benefits, including saving a ruined or infected tooth and avoiding the requirement for higher-priced and invasive dental procedures. If you are worried about the root canal treatment cost, talk to your dentist or dental insurance provider to discuss your options.

Wrapping Up

Overall, root canal treatment is safe and effective for infected or decayed teeth. If you have any concerns about this procedure, you must talk to your dentist or endodontist, who can provide more information and address any questions or concerns. If you are looking for the best root canal dentist in Roswell, GA, or nearby areas such as Sandy Springs, Milton, Marietta, Alpharetta, Dunwoody, or Woodstock, get in touch with us at (678) 321-7575 or book an appointment to consult an expert.