What's a tooth extraction?
The process of getting a damaged, decayed tooth removed is tooth extraction. It is pulled-out by dentists only after reviewing the patient's dental history and X-rays. The gum heals and becomes normal within a few days after the extraction.
Types of tooth extraction
- Simple extraction
- Surgical extraction
Simple extraction
If the tooth or its parts are visible in the mouth, the dentist can loosen and remove it using tools like elevator, forceps.
Surgical extraction
In case if the tooth is broken along the gum line, the dental care expert might feel the need to create a small incision in the gum as well as the bone around the tooth and extract its pieces carefully.
The surgeon administers local anesthesia for both simple and surgical extraction to help in relieving any pain and feel relaxed.
Steps followed during tooth extraction treatment
- Dentists check the patient's overall medical history and take necessary precautions while handling patients suffering from severe medical conditions.
- After conducting a check-up, your dental care expert would take x-rays for the tooth and surrounding areas to check the extent of the damage.
- In case of severe gum infection, the dentist might prescribe antibiotics to be consumed a few days before the tooth extraction.
- Before starting the procedure, the dentist would administer local anesthetic and numb the area nearby the tooth that needs to be extracted.
- Your dental care expert would recommend painkillers as a part of post-surgery care.
Reasons that make tooth extraction necessary
- Tooth might need extraction as a part of the orthodontia procedure performed for better alignment of teeth.
- A tooth damaged due to periodontal disease.
- Decay has reached the pulp and root.
- The tooth gets decayed beyond restoration.
- Extraction of baby teeth might be required to make way for the permanent tooth.
- As a part of the procedure while getting radiation therapy for head or neck.
- To make space for braces.
Single wisdom tooth extraction
The wisdom teeth (third set of molars) appear in the back of the mouth. One of them might need to be extracted due to misalignment, gum disease, caries or even if it remains trapped within the gums or jawbone.
Complications during tooth extraction
The patient might experience the following complications during and after the procedure. But, the benefits offered by extraction easily overweigh them.
- A small amount of bleeding may start at the surgical site. Placing a piece of dry sterile gauze on the extraction site can help in controlling the same.
- The surgical site might develop redness, and the patient can experience a feeling of discomfort or pain.
Pain management after tooth extraction
The following steps can help in pain management and speeding up the recovery post tooth extraction.
- Limit your activities and relax for at least 24 hours after surgery.
- Avoid spitting or rinsing mouth during the first 24 hours period.
- Consume the over-the-counter painkillers prescribed by the surgeon.
- Avoid smoking until the operated gum heals.
- Apply a pack of ice to the face for ten to fifteen minutes.
- Eat soft foods, preferably, liquid or semi-solid during 48 hours timeframe post operating.
- Avoid brushing or flossing the extraction site roughly until it heals completely.
- Use pillows to create an elevated position for your head while you sleep.
Causes of pain after tooth extraction
- The patient eats something too hot or too cold during the 48 hours after the extraction.
- The patient eats food items that are hard to chew post-surgery.
- The patient brushes the extraction site too hard.
- He or she drinks carbonated drinks using a straw.
- The patient fails to show up for a follow-up visit to remove the stitches.