Veneers and Lumineers
Trucare dental veneers and dental lumineer in Roswell GA helps patients to restore broken, damaged or dark stained teeth. Giving patients an opportunity to create a beautiful smile they have always dreamed of.
Veneers are ultra-thin shells of tooth-colored, translucent porcelain or composite resin, custom made to fit over your natural teeth. This procedure requires little or no anesthesia and can dramatically improve your smile and appearance. Veneers are placed to mask discolorations, change size, shape and length of the teeth. It helps in improving your smile.
Lumineers are ultra-thin (approximately 0.2 mm) and highly translucent, allowing them to replicate the natural appearance of enamel. Lumineers are so thin that minimal to no tooth reduction is necessary, but it is still strong and durable to resist normal wear and tear.
What is the difference between porcelain veneer and composite veneer?
The translucent properties of the porcelain allow the veneers to mimic the light handling characteristics of enamel.
Porcelain veneers resist staining. Porcelain is a smooth, impervious ceramic and therefore will not pick up permanent stain from cigarette smoking or from dark or richly colored liquids or spices.
Resin veneers are generally cheaper than porcelain and is able to change size, shape, and color of the tooth to improve the appearance, but it does get stained over time, so it needs to be replaced over time. Composite veneers are generally placed in 1 sitting while porcelain veneers takes 2 visits. You will need to discuss the best choice of veneer material for you with your dentist. If you live in this area, please call TruCare Dentistry to make an appointment and we will be happy to discuss the treatment options for your needs.
What types of problems do dental veneers fix?
Permanently externally stained and/or internally stained teeth such as stains from tetracycline or other drugs, excessive fluoride or the presence of large resin fillings that have discolored the tooth or because of a root canal treatment.
Teeth that are worn down
Chipped or broken tooth
Teeth that are misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped
Teeth with gaps between them (to close the space between these teeth)
I think I need braces, but I really don't want to go through the inconvenient, unsightly, and time-intensive process. Can I get veneers or Lumineers instead?
In most cases, yes! Your dentist will be able to evaluate your teeth and decide whether orthodontics is necessary or veneers will be able to reshape your teeth to improve the alignment of your teeth.
How long will Veneers last?
Veneers can last for a long time just like a crown but untoward forces such as grinding teeth, chewing on ice, biting on nails or opening packages can affect the life of a veneer just as it does to a natural tooth.